You have the right to breathe!
Aside from forbidding smoking in public places, the Law 349/2002 also obliges the tobacco manufacturers to display alternately, in addition to the general warning, statements such as: “Smokers die younger”, “Smoking causes lung cancer, a lethal disease”, “Smoking during pregnancy is harmful to your baby”.
75% of the Romanian young people smoke… 100% inhale
75% of the young people in Romania think of smoking as a natural act that they are entitled to carry on with no regards of the others around them because the public place is theirs – the ones that keep buying the notorious “coffin nails” in spite of the ever growing prices. Apparently, the 25% left are wrong not to have followed their example.
Join us!
You can see the posters for our campaign against smoking here. Any thoughts, suggestions, support is welcomed. We await feed-back via the contact page or on the forum.
Express yourself!
“All my friends smoke”, “Smoking relaxes me”, “Smoking helps me concentrate” are just some of the reasons invoked by smokers. You can express your opinion, argue for or against what has already been said or raise new points on the