Ministry of Health, March 2004
• In Romania, 40.000 people die yearly due to cancer
• The number of pacients with cancer listed on the 31st of December 2003 was: 320.000 sick, as opposed to 290.000 just 2 years ago. It was a 10,35% increase just in the last two years.
• In 2003, a number of 58.261 of new cancer cases has been reported
• 1950 billion lei will be alloted this year by the Ministry of Health to treating pacients suffering of cancer. The average cost of the treatment per year for one pacient is 25 million lei.
The National Statistics Institute's Health Report regarding the Romanian population
• 47,5 % of the smokers began smoking between 15 and 19 years of age
• 33,8 % of the smokers began smoking between 20 and 24 years of age
15-24 year old group:
• 18,8 % men smoke
• 8,8 % women smoke
• 10,4 % started smoking before they reached 15
• 71,4 % started smoking between 15 and 19 years of age
ESPAD - 1999
Out of 2.394 9th grade pupils (approximately 16 years old):
• 57,1 % have smoked;
• 13,6 % started smoking since they were 11 or younger
• 54 % started smoking until the age of 15
• 17 % smoke on a daily basis
Only 33,3% of the boys and 49,1% of the girls have managed to steer clear of tabacco until the age of 16.